Title: Osaka Customs Reports Kansai Airport Trade Statistics (Preliminary) for January: Exports Increase by 15.2% Year-on-Year to 491.9 Billion Yen, Marking Two Consecutive Months of Growth, While Imports Decrease by 2.4% to 362.5 Billion Yen, Resulting in a Trade Surplus of 129.4 Billion Yen
According to the trade preliminary report for Kansai Airport announced by Osaka Customs on the 21st, in January, the total export value increased by 15.2% year-on-year to 491.9 billion yen, marking the second consecutive month of growth. The total import value decreased by 2.4% to 362.5 billion yen, the second consecutive month of decline. This resulted in an export surplus of 129.4 billion yen.