Title: According to the Preliminary Trade Statistics by the Ministry of Finance Released on February 28, Japan’s Export Totalled 2.6195 Trillion Yen (5.2% Decrease from the Same Month Last Year) and Import Totalled 3.2997 Trillion Yen (1.0% Increase), Resulting in a Trade Deficit of 680.2 Billion Yen

According to the preliminary trade statistics released by the Ministry of Finance on February 28th for early February, the total export value amounted to 2.6195 trillion yen (a decrease of 5.2% compared to the same month last year), while the total import value reached 3.2997 trillion yen (an increase of 1.0% compared to the same period last year). The trade balance showed an excess of imports at 680.2 billion yen, continuing from the previous month’s deficit.