Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Itochu Corporation, HIF Global, and JFE Steel Collaborate on Joint Study for e-Fuel Supply Chain Involving CO2 Recovery in Japan, Maritime Transportation to Australia, and More
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Itochu Corporation, HIF Global (HIF), and HIF Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of HIF, along with JFE Steel are jointly conducting a study on a collaborative project involving the e-fuel supply chain which includes: 1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) recovery in Japan, 2. Shipping to Australia, and 3. Production of synthetic fuels utilizing green hydrogen in Australia.
The post “Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Others/ Joint Business Investigation by 4 Japanese and Australian Companies in the e-fuel Supply Chain” first appeared on Logistics News LNEWS.