Title: Osaka Customs Grants Approval for Logisteed Nishi Nihon (Konohana-ku, Osaka) as Bonded Warehouse – Newly Authorized Nishi-Yodogawa First Business Office (Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka) is a Two-Story Structure Covering 2613 Square Meters, Constructed with Steel Frame and Alloy-Plated Steel Plates, to Facilitate Import and Export Operations.
On February 26th, Osaka Customs announced the approval of Logisteed Nishi-Nihon’s bonded warehouse located in Konohana-ku, Osaka. The approved Nishi-Yodogawa First Office in Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka is a two-story building with a total floor area of 2,613 square meters, constructed with steel alloy plated steel sheets. This facility will serve as a key location for handling import and export activities under customs supervision.