Title: Osaka Customs Reports Trade Overview for the Hokuriku Region (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui) in 2023 – Exports Decreased by 5% to 6.319 trillion yen, Imports Declined by 18.7% to 7.233 trillion yen, Resulting in a Surplus of 915 billion yen. Both Exports and Imports Exceeded Last Year’s Significant Increase.

According to the trade overview for the year 2023 in the Hokuriku region (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui) announced by Osaka Customs on February 28th, exports decreased by 5% year-on-year to 631.9 billion yen, while imports decreased by 18.7% to 723.3 billion yen. As a result, there was a trade surplus of 91.5 billion yen after subtracting the difference. Both exports and imports showed a significant increase from the previous year, maintaining a surplus in the region’s trade balance.