Title: F-LINE Initiates Regular Maritime Transport Service from Chubu and Kansai Regions to Kyushu on March 1, in Collaboration with 6 Participating Manufacturers (Ajinomoto, Kagome, Nisshin Oillio Group, Nisshin Seifun Group, House Foods Group, Mizkan) – Introducing Ferry Service between Kansai and Kyushu for Transport.

On March 1st, the six participating manufacturers (Ajinomoto, Kagome, Nisshin Oillio Group, Nisshin Seifun Wellna, House Foods Group Headquarters, Mizkan) in the F-LINE Project, along with F-LINE, initiated regular maritime transportation services from the Chubu-Kansai region to Kyushu, focusing on ferry transport between Kansai and Kyushu.