Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Expansion of 4-Lane Conversions for Temporary 2-Lane Sections on Expressways – Decision on 11 Locations as per the Law Amending the Road Improvement Special Measures Act and Partial Revision of the Japan Expressway Corporation and Debt Repayment Organization Act Enacted in May Last Year to Extend Toll Collection Periods.

On March 1st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they will be gradually expanding the four-lane road conversion project for temporary two-lane sections on expressways. This decision was made under the amendment to the “Special Measures for Road Maintenance Act and Partial Amendment to the Act on Highways, and the Japan Expressway Corporation and Debt Repayment Organization Act” enacted in May last year, which extended the toll collection period to fund the road expansion initiatives.