Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces 9th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Logistics between Japan, China, and South Korea Held in Tianjin, China on February 29th – Cooperation Progress and Further Advancements Discussed during the In-Person Meeting, Attended by Jun Uehara, Senior Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism from Japan, Marking the First Face-to-Face Meeting in 6 Years.
On March 1st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that the 9th Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Logistics Ministerial Meeting was held in Tianjin, China on February 29th. This in-person meeting, the first in six years, was attended by Jun Uehara, Counselor for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism from Japan. The meeting saw agreements on furthering cooperation and advancing the relationship between the three countries in logistics and transportation sectors.