Title: Cainz (Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) Achieves Carbon Neutrality by Utilizing 100% Renewable Energy, including Four Logistics Facilities in Gunma Prefecture among a Total of 33 Facilities. On March 7, Cainz announced that the electricity used in all 33 facilities is effectively sourced from 100% renewable energy, leading to the realization of CO2-free operations. In Gunma Prefecture, renewable energy generated at the prefectural hydroelectric power plant is…

On the 7th, Cainz (located in Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) announced that the electricity used in all 33 facilities, including four logistics facilities in Gunma Prefecture, has been effectively switched to 100% renewable energy, achieving carbon neutrality. In Gunma Prefecture, renewable energy produced at the prefectural hydroelectric power plants is utilized for this purpose.