Title: Green Co-op Community of 16 Co-ops in Western Japan, Headquartered in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Announces Signing of Disaster Relief Agreement with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture. On the 7th, Green Co-op Community, consisting of 16 cooperatives primarily in Western Japan, disclosed that Green Co-op Seikyo Kyodo Kumiai Fukuoka, one of its member cooperatives, will hold a signing ceremony for the “Agreement on Supply of Goods in Times of Disasters” with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture…
On March 7th, Green Co-op Community, consisting of 16 co-ops primarily in western Japan and headquartered in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, announced that one of its members, Green Co-op Consumer Cooperative Fukuoka, held a signing ceremony for the “Agreement on Supply of Goods in Times of Disaster” with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The agreement aims to establish a framework for providing supplies during emergencies.