Title: Hokuriku-Shinetsu Transport Bureau announced on the 5th that, based on the advice of the local traffic advisory council, they have decided to revise the minimum wage for crew members employed in the Hokuriku-Shinetsu region and published the official notice in the government gazette. This amendment applies to inland steel ship operations, wooden ship operations, Hokuriku-Shinetsu maritime passenger transport, and Hokuriku-Shinetsu fisheries.

On the 5th, the Hokuriku-Shinetsu Transport Bureau announced that they have decided to revise the minimum wages for seafarers employed in the Hokuriku-Shinetsu region based on the recommendations of the Local Transport Advisory Council and have made it public in the Official Gazette. This revision applies to inland steel ship operation, wooden ship operation, Hokuriku-Shinetsu maritime passenger transportation, and Hokuriku-Shinetsu fishing industries.