Title: Konoike Transport Completes Technical Center “TechnoLogis Makuhari” in Noda, Chiba and Will Begin Full Operations on April 1st. On the 7th, Konoike Transport announced the completion of their Technical Center “TechnoLogis Makuhari” in Noda, Chiba, and revealed plans to commence full operations starting from April 1st. This facility will serve as the hub for their unique service “K-MVS (Konoike-Mul…
On the 7th, Konoike Transport announced that their technical center “TechnoRoss Makuhari” has been completed in Narashino City, Chiba Prefecture, and will commence full operation from April 1st. They introduced their proprietary service “K-MVS (Konoike-Multi Vendor System),” which combines air conditioning retrofitting technology with logistics.