Title: Pal System Kanagawa Installs Self-Consumption Solar Power Generation Systems at Yokohama Sugata Center and Yokosuka Center. On the 6th, Pal System Kanagawa, located in Yokohama, announced the implementation of self-consumption solar power generation facilities at Yokohama Sugata Center in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City, and Yokosuka Center in Yamashita-dai, Yokosuka City. The generated electricity will be consumed within each center, meeting approximately 15% of their power needs…
On the 6th, Palsystem Kanagawa, based in Yokohama, announced that they have installed self-consumption type solar power generation systems at their Yokohama Sugada Center (Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City) and Yokosuka Center (Yamashita-dai, Yokosuka City). The electricity generated will be consumed at each center, covering approximately 15% of their electricity needs.