Title: Shibuya Data Count Predicts Automotive Refrigerator Market to Reach Approximately 7.2 Billion USD by 2036. Recently, Shibuya Data Count (SDKI) revealed projections indicating that the market size for automotive refrigerators is estimated to reach around 7.2 billion USD (approximately 1.69 trillion JPY) by the year 2036. According to the company’s analysts, the market size for automotive refrigerators is expected to be around 4.8 billion USD by 2023…

Shibuya Data Count (SDKI) recently announced their forecast that the global market size of automotive refrigerators is expected to reach approximately 7.2 billion US dollars (about 1.69 trillion yen) by 2036. According to analysts at the company, the market size of automotive refrigerators is projected to be around 4.8 billion US dollars in 2023.