Title: Takasho Digitech Announces Completion of New Factory for Takasho Digitech China in China, Initiating Operational Practices. On the 6th, Takasho Digitech, located in Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, disclosed the completion of the new factory for Takasho Digitech China dedicated to manufacturing outdoor lighting equipment. The inauguration ceremony took place on the 5th, signifying the expansion of the production facilities at Takasho Digitech China’s factory premises…

On the 6th, Takasho Digitec, based in Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, announced the completion of a new factory for Takasho Digitec China, which is responsible for manufacturing outdoor lighting equipment in China. A completion ceremony was held on the 5th for the new factory. With the expansion of the new facility, the total floor space of Takasho Digitec China’s factories has increased.