Title: Yamato Transport Announces Handling Performance for February: Courier Service (Takkyubin, Takkyubin Compact, EAZY) at 135,113,012 items (0.9% increase), NekoPos and Kuroneko Yu-Pack at 30,721,155 items (0.8% decrease), and Kuroneko DM…

Yamato Transport announced on March 6th that their small cargo handling performance for February showed an increase of 0.9% in parcel delivery services (TA-Q-BIN, TA-Q-BIN Compact, EAZY), totaling 135,113,012 items. However, the handling volume for Neko Pos, Kuroneko Yu-Pack decreased by 0.8% totaling 30,721,155 items. Kuroneko Delivery handled 8,247,513 items, a 1.3% increase compared to the previous year.