Title: Mercari Launches Skilled Temp Job Service “Mercari Halo” with Listings from Yamato Transport and Japan Post. On March 6th, Mercari announced the commencement of their Skilled Temp Job service “Mercari Halo.” The service allows users who have completed identity verification and linked a bank account on the flea market app “Mercari” to browse and apply for temp job listings. The platform includes job postings from leading logistics companies such as Yamato Transport and Japan Post…

On March 6th, Mercari announced the launch of their side job service “Mercari Hello.” The service allows users who have completed identity verification and linked their bank account on the flea market app Mercari to browse and apply for side job opportunities. One of the features of Mercari Hello is that job listings from companies such as Yamato Transport and Japan Post are available on the platform.