Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Designates Roadside Stations’ Parking Lots as “Disaster Base Parking Lots” to Facilitate Swift Disaster Response. On the 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that to secure bases for comprehensive disaster emergency measures in times of disasters, the parking lots of roadside stations, designated in regional disaster prevention plans, will now be specified as “Disaster Base Parking Lots.” This initiative is aimed at enhancing preparedness and coordination for rapid response during emergencies…

On the 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the designation of the car parking areas at Michi no Eki roadside stations as “Disaster Response Base Car Parking Areas.” This initiative aims to secure bases for prompt implementation of comprehensive disaster emergency measures during times of disasters. As part of this plan, new registrations of Michi no Eki and enhancements of existing facilities are also being promoted to strengthen disaster preparedness at these locations.