Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Seeks Applicants for Subsidy Grants to Promote Standardization in Logistics. On the 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the solicitation of operators (executing organizations) to carry out subsidy grants for the “Promotion of Standardization in Logistics Project (Support for Encouraging the Use of Standard Specification Pallets to Address Labor Shortage).” This initiative aims to foster collaboration…

On the 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the public offering of implementing organizations (executing bodies) to carry out the subsidy for the “Promotion of Logistics Standardization Project Expenses (Support Program for Promoting the Use of Standard Specification Pallets to Address Labor Shortages).” The project involves multiple rental pallet companies establishing shared pallet pools to enhance efficiency and address labor shortages in logistics operations.