Summary: AeroSense, based in Kita Ward, Tokyo, specializing in developing industrial drones, conducted the operation of their vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing drone “AeroBowing” during the demonstration experiment on March 8th by Shizuoka Prefecture for long-distance transport of medical equipment.

Aerosense, based in Kita Ward, Tokyo, and known for developing industrial drones, participated in a verification test conducted by Shizuoka Prefecture on March 8th involving the long-distance transportation of medical equipment using drones. Aerosense operated the vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing drone (VTOL) called “Aerowing” during the test. This successful operation showcases the capabilities of Aerosense in drone technology and their commitment to exploring innovative applications such as long-distance medical equipment transport. Stay updated on advancements in drone technology and industry developments through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.