Summary: Menicon (located in Naka Ward, Nagoya) announced on the 11th the acquisition of land within “Technoport Fukui” in Fukui City to establish a new manufacturing and production development base for contact lenses and care products. They signed a tripartite agreement with Fukui Prefecture and Fukui City for the new base.

On the 11th, Menicon, located in Naka Ward, Nagoya City, announced the acquisition of a site within the “Technoport Fukui” in Fukui City to establish a new base for manufacturing and developing contact lenses and care products. Menicon has entered into a tripartite agreement with Fukui Prefecture and Fukui City for this project. The new facility will focus on the production of contact lenses and related care items, showcasing Menicon’s commitment to expanding its operations and advancing technology in the field of vision care. Stay updated on industry developments and expansions through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.