Summary: Startup Starmen announced on the 12th that their service “TUNAG” (meaning to connect) utilizing IT technology has been adopted by Omatsu Transport, a provider of home equipment delivery services based in Yokohama, Kanagawa. Omatsu Transport has implemented TUNAG with approximately 80 drivers…
On the 12th, Stamen, a company that leverages IT technology for service development, announced that their developed service “TUNAG” has been adopted by Omatatsu Transport, a company engaged in the delivery of housing equipment based in Yokohama, Kanagawa. Omatatsu Transport has introduced TUNAG, a digital platform, to enhance their operational efficiency and services in the housing equipment delivery business. With approximately 80 drivers at Omatatsu Transport, the integration of TUNAG is expected to streamline operations and improve customer service. Stay informed about digital innovations and collaborations in the logistics industry through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.