Summary: Sumitomo Forestry Announces Completion of New Refrigerated Warehouse and Office Building at Saka Shuzo, a subsidiary of the Regional Future Group in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, finished construction in February this year. The company oversaw design supervision and construction, with the comprehensive renovation project that began in April 2023 expected to be fully completed by spring 2026.

On the 11th, Sumitomo Forestry announced the completion of the refrigerated warehouse building and office building for Saka Shuzo, a subsidiary of the Regional Future Group located in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, in February of this year. Sumitomo Forestry was responsible for the design supervision and construction of the project. The comprehensive renovation project, which began in April 2023, is scheduled for full completion in the spring of 2026. This initiative reflects Sumitomo Forestry’s commitment to modernizing and enhancing facilities within the Regional Future Group.