Summary: Tokai Electronics (based in Tokai City, Aichi Prefecture) announced on the 18th that they will be hosting a seminar addressing the dangers of drunk driving on the same day. The event will be held online via Zoom from 13:00 to 14:30. The seminar will cover accidents and incidents related to drinking parties, drunk driving, and ways to prevent such risks.

On the 18th, Tokai Electronics, based in Tokai City, Aichi Prefecture, announced that they will be hosting a seminar on the dangers of drunk driving on the same day. The seminar will take place from 13:00 to 14:30 in an online format via Zoom. Within the seminar, topics such as accidents and incidents related to drinking parties, drunk driving, and preventive measures will be discussed to raise awareness about the risks associated with alcohol-impaired driving. Stay informed about initiatives promoting road safety and responsible driving practices through educational seminars like this one.