Summary: Daiwa Life Next (Minato Ward, Tokyo), a company specializing in logistics facility management, announced on the 13th that they will begin offering a “Real-time Remote Management Service” that can respond in emergencies such as disasters, aiming to strengthen BCP measures at warehouses and logistics facilities with non-resident management.
On the 13th, Daiwa Life Next, a company specializing in logistics facility management based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the launch of a “real-time remote management service” aimed at strengthening disaster preparedness measures in warehouses and logistics facilities where they handle on-site management. This service enables remote monitoring and management to ensure swift responses during emergencies such as disasters. By implementing this real-time remote management service, Daiwa Life Next aims to enhance Business Continuity Planning (BCP) capabilities and improve overall safety and operational efficiency in logistics facilities. Stay updated on the adoption and impact of such innovative technological solutions in the logistics industry for effective disaster response and facility management.