Summary: Naito House announced on March 12 the launch of the warehouse brand “SoZoCo” and the completion of the Kumamoto Low-Temperature Logistics Center, owned by Katsura Tsuusho, on February 16. The facility specializes in low-temperature storage for fresh produce, expanding Katsura Tsuusho’s presence beyond the Kansai region.
On March 12th, Naito House announced the launch of their warehouse brand “SoZoCo” and the completion of the Kumamoto Low-Temperature Logistics Center, operated by Keito Trading, on February 16th. The facility will serve as a low-temperature storage warehouse for storing fresh produce. Keito Trading, known for their refrigerated warehouses in the Kansai region, expands their operations to Kumamoto through this collaboration with Naito House. Stay updated on the latest developments in warehouse infrastructure and logistics facilities through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.