Summary: Nankai Shiga (Kounan City, Shiga Prefecture), a manufacturer of housing components, announced on the 13th its efforts to promote the sales of “Fold Deck,” a product that the company has developed. The company also shared details about the development process of this product. The Fold Deck is a solution to efficiently divide the loading platform of a truck.
On the 13th, Nankai Shiga, a manufacturer of housing materials based in Konan City, Shiga Prefecture, unveiled their efforts towards promoting the expansion of their product called “Fold Deck.” They introduced the product development process and shared details on initiatives aimed at increasing sales of the “Fold Deck.” The “Fold Deck” is designed to efficiently partition the truck bed, allowing for optimized loading and transportation of various goods. This product innovation serves to enhance the logistical efficiency and effectiveness of transporting goods using trucks. Stay informed about Nankai Shiga’s strategies and initiatives in promoting and expanding the market for their innovative product, the “Fold Deck,” within the logistics industry.