Summary: On the 12th, AZ-COM Maruwa Holdings (AZ-COM Maruwa HD) announced a partnership between its group company Maruwa Unyu Kikan (located in Yoshikawa City, Saitama Prefecture), Mizuho Leasing, Mizuho Auto Lease (Minato Ward, Tokyo), and FOMM (based in Yokohama), an electric vehicle (EV) planning and development company.

On the 12th, AZ-COM Maruwa Holdings (AZ-COM Maruwa HD) announced a collaboration involving its group company Maruwa Unyu Kikan (located in Yoshikawa City, Saitama Prefecture), Mizuho Leasing, Mizuho Auto Leasing (both based in Minato-ku, Tokyo), and FOMM (Focus on Mobility), a company specializing in the planning and development of electric vehicles (EV) based in Yokohama. This partnership aims to [purpose of collaboration]. Stay tuned for updates on the joint efforts and initiatives between these companies to drive innovation in the EV industry and transportation sector.