Summary: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism announced on March 12 that due to the earthquake damage from the Noto Peninsula in Reiwa 6, restoration work on the Noto Satoyama Kaido section between Koshinohara IC and Anamizu IC will enable one-way traffic towards Wajima around 1:00 p.m. on March 15. This allows for the full restoration of the route towards Wajima following the earthquake.
On March 12th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that following the relief efforts for the Noto Peninsula earthquake in Reiwa 6, the section of the Noto Satoyama Road between Koshonohara IC and Anamizu IC will allow for one-way traffic towards Wajima starting around 1:00 PM on March 15th. This development signifies a significant step towards the full restoration of traffic flow in the affected area, benefiting commuters and facilitating transportation operations. Stay updated on infrastructure developments and road restorations related to the Noto Peninsula earthquake through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.