Summary: Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus, and Mitsubishi Motors to establish ‘Evniion’, a new company to operate an online platform offering one-stop EV-related services.
On the 13th, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus (located in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki), and Mitsubishi Motors announced the establishment of a new company called “Ebineon.” This new venture aims to operate an online platform that provides a one-stop solution for electric vehicle (EV) related services. By offering EV-related services through a seamless online platform, Ebineon intends to streamline the EV user experience and contribute to the growth of electric mobility solutions. The official launch of Ebineon is scheduled for June, marking a significant collaboration among the three Mitsubishi Group companies to drive innovation and sustainability in the automotive industry. Stay updated on the developments and services offered by Ebineon as it paves the way for enhanced EV adoption and support for customers.