Summary: Fukuoka Transportation announces its selection in the ‘DX Division’ of the ‘300 Flourishing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Small Businesses’ selected and commended by Japan’s Small and Medium Enterprise Agency for the fiscal year 2023.

Fukuoka Unyu announced that it has been selected and recognized in the “DX Division” of the “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Small Businesses Taking Flight” for the 2023 fiscal year, as designated by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. The “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Small Businesses Taking Flight” program recognizes companies in categories such as “Business restructuring and productivity improvement,” “Overseas expansion,” and “Green Development.” Fukuoka Unyu’s recognition in the DX Division highlights its commitment to digital transformation and innovative practices in the transportation industry. Stay updated on the achievements and advancements made by Fukuoka Unyu as part of this prestigious recognition.