Summary: Green Co-op, consisting of 16 co-operative societies mainly in western Japan, announces the start of food ingredient donation for school lunches to primary and secondary schools affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
On the 13th, Green Coop Kyodotai, consisting of 16 cooperatives primarily located in western Japan, announced the commencement of donations of food ingredients for school lunches to elementary and middle schools affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. The donated supplies will be delivered to schools such as Yanagida Elementary School, Udezutsu Elementary School, Ukawa Elementary School, Ogaki Elementary School, and Matsunami Middle School in Noto Town. This initiative demonstrates Green Coop Kyodotai’s commitment to supporting communities in times of need and ensuring that schoolchildren have access to nutritious meals despite the challenges posed by the earthquake. Stay informed about the progress of the food donation efforts and the impact on the affected schools in the Noto Peninsula region.