Summary: Fukuyama Transporting Announces Issuance of Euro-Yen Convertible Bonds due 2029, Plans to Allocate All Proceeds of Approximately 30 Billion Yen for Capital Expenditures.

On March 14th, Fukuyama Transport announced the issuance of convertible bonds with stock acquisition rights attached, with maturity in 2029, to raise approximately 30 billion yen. The entire proceeds from this issuance are planned to be allocated towards facility investment. The specific details of the investment plan, including the purchase of double-linked trucks and other equipment, will be disclosed in the near future. Stay updated on the utilization of funds raised through the issuance of convertible bonds by Fukuyama Transport and the impact of these investments on their operations and services.

[Original Source: 物流ニュースのLNEWS]