Summary: Higashi Twenty-One Announces Organizational Reforms, New ‘Sakai LogiNet Business Department’ Set for Launch on April 1, 2024.
On March 15th, Higashi 21 announced that during the board of directors meeting held on the same day, they passed a resolution to implement organizational changes effective April 1, 2024. In response to the expansion of business activities, including acquiring new customers, within the current “Transportation Business Division” under the “Sakai Comprehensive Logistics Group,” a new business unit called the “Sakai Loginet Business Division” will be established. This restructuring aims to provide the Sakai Loginet Business Division with greater autonomy and flexibility to enhance operations and foster growth opportunities. Stay informed about the developments and impact of the organizational changes within Higashi 21 as they establish the Sakai Loginet Business Division.
[Original Source: 物流ニュースのLNEWS]