Summary: J-Frontier Starts Providing ‘Add-on Purchase’ Feature in ‘SOKUYAKU’, an Online Medical Consultation, Medication Instruction, and Prescription Drug Delivery App, from Mar 18.

On the 18th, Jay Frontier, based in Shibuya, Tokyo, announced the launch of a new feature called “Tsuidekai” on the online medical consultation, medication guidance, and prescription drug delivery app “SOKUYAKU.” This feature allows users who receive online medication guidance to have over-the-counter products from participating drugstores delivered along with their prescribed medication. By integrating the convenience of online medication consultations with the option for additional purchases, Jay Frontier aims to enhance the user experience and provide comprehensive healthcare support through the SOKUYAKU app. Stay informed about the developments and benefits of this new feature on the SOKUYAKU platform for users seeking convenient and integrated healthcare services.