Summary: ESR (Minato Ward, Tokyo) Announces on March 18 that ‘ESR Higashi-Ojima Distribution Center’ (Higashi-Ojima DC) has Simultaneously Won the ‘Best Industrial and Logistics Project Award’ and the ‘Jury’s Special Award’ at the ‘MIPIM Awards 2024’.

On the 18th, ESR, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced that their “ESR Higashi Ogi Island Distribution Center” (Higashi Ogi Island DC) received the “Best Industrial Logistics Project Award” and the “Jury Special Award” simultaneously at the MIPIM Awards 2024. This recognition highlights the excellence of the Higashi Ogi Island DC project in the field of industrial and logistics development, as well as the recognition by the jury for its exceptional qualities. Stay informed about the achievements and accolades received by ESR for the Higashi Ogi Island Distribution Center at the prestigious MIPIM Awards 2024.