Summary: Kakuyasu, a Sales and Delivery Company Specializing in Alcoholic Beverages in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Announces the Establishment and Commencement of Operations of ‘Nandemo sake ya Kakuyasu Kudankita DS’, a Small-scale Warehouse for Home Deliveries Located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, on March 18.

On the 18th, Kakuyasu, a company specializing in the sale and delivery of alcoholic beverages and other products mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, announced the establishment of a new home-use small shipping warehouse called “Nandemo Sakeya Kakuyasu Kudanshita DS (Distribution Station)” in Chiyoda City, Tokyo. The new facility commenced operations on the same day, catering to the storage and distribution needs of household customers in the area. Stay updated on the services and offerings provided by the newly established distribution station by Kakuyasu, as they aim to enhance their logistics capabilities and meet the demands of consumers in the Chiyoda district and surrounding areas.