Summary: Openlogi (Toshima Ward, Tokyo) Announces the Start of a Campaign to Discount up to 2.4 Million Yen for 30 Companies, to Commemorate the Start of API Integration with the Integrated Commerce Platform ‘ecforce’ provided by SUPER STUDIO (Meguro Ward) on March 18.

On the 18th, OpenLogi, based in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, announced the commencement of API integration with the unified commerce platform “ecforce” provided by SUPER STUDIO in Meguro-ku. To commemorate the start of this integration, OpenLogi initiated a campaign offering up to 2.4 million yen in usage fee discounts for the first 30 companies. This campaign aims to incentivize businesses to leverage the benefits of the integrated services provided by OpenLogi and ecforce for enhanced efficiency and optimization in their e-commerce operations. Stay informed about the campaign details and the advantages of the API integration between OpenLogi and ecforce as they work towards offering innovative solutions for e-commerce businesses.