Summary: Tokyo Delivery Agent (Subsidiary of Sankyu Group Holdings) and Yamato Energy (From Daiwa House Group) Announce the Completion of Solar Onsite PPA Service Installation at a Logistics Warehouse in Tomisato City, Chiba Prefecture, and Commence Operations on March 18.
On March 18th, Tokyo Delivery Service, a subsidiary of Senko Group Holdings, announced the completion and commencement of operation of installation works for solar power Onsite Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) services at a logistics warehouse in Tomisato City, Chiba Prefecture in collaboration with Daikyo Energy from the Daiwa House Group. This initiative exemplifies the companies’ commitment to sustainable energy practices and reducing carbon footprints in logistics operations. Stay updated on the developments and benefits of the Onsite PPA services implemented by Tokyo Delivery Service and Daikyo Energy, contributing to environmentally friendly and cost-effective energy solutions in the logistics industry.