Summary: Wolt Japan, the provider of the delivery service ‘Wolt’, Announces Partnership with ‘Green Drug’ Drugstore (run by Oga Pharmacy in Fukuoka City, Chuo Ward) at its Yogi, Shuri, and Iso Stores in Okinawa for Delivery Services Starting from March 18.

On the 18th, Wolt Japan, the company behind the delivery service “Wolt,” announced a partnership with Daiga Pharmacy, a drugstore chain operating in Okinawa. Through this collaboration, Wolt Japan will provide delivery services for three Green Drug stores located in Yogi, Shuri, and Iso in Okinawa. This partnership aims to expand the convenience and accessibility of services offered by both Wolt and Green Drug by enabling customers to order and receive products from these specific Green Drug locations through the Wolt platform. Stay informed about the developments and impact of this collaboration between Wolt Japan and Green Drug as they work together to enhance customer experience and accessibility in the delivery of pharmaceutical products.