Summary: J-Frontier Announces the Launch of ‘SOKUYAKU Delivery Plus’, a Home Delivery Service for Daily Necessities Aimed at Nursing Homes, Childcare Facilities, and Operating Companies, Using its Online Medical and Prescription Drug Delivery Service ‘SOKUYAKU’.

On March 19th, Jay Frontier announced the launch of a new service called “SOKUYAKU Delivery Plus” for care facilities, childcare centers, and operating companies. This service is an extension of their online medical consultation, medication guidance, and prescription delivery service known as “SOKUYAKU.” “SOKUYAKU Delivery Plus” provides daily essentials and household items for delivery to care facilities and similar establishments, leveraging their existing prescription drug delivery network to expand into the distribution of a wider range of products. Stay updated on the expansion of Jay Frontier’s services and the impact of “SOKUYAKU Delivery Plus” in offering convenient and efficient delivery solutions for care facilities and businesses in need of essential items.