Summary: Japan Trex Announces Recall of 188 Vehicles, including Isuzu’s ‘Giga’ and Hino Motors’ ‘Hino Profia’, Submitted to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on March 19, due to Inadequate Consideration of Vibration in Rear Combination Lamp Attachment Brackets of Swap Body Container Carriers.

On March 19th, Japan Trucks reported a recall to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism. The recall affects a total of 188 vehicles, including Isuzu Motors’ “Giga” and Hino Motors’ “Hino Profia.” The recall concerns the rear combination lamp mounting bracket on the swap body container carrier, where insufficient consideration was given to vibration issues. Stay updated on the recall process and any necessary actions to address the potential safety concern regarding the specified components in the Isuzu Giga and Hino Profia trucks.