Summary: NAVITIME Japan Announces that the ‘Delivery Planning’ Functionality of its Corporate Map and Route Search API ‘NAVITIME API’ is Now Supporting Bike, Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes as of March 19.
On March 19th, Navitime Japan announced that the “Delivery Planning” feature of their corporate map and route search API, “NAVITIME API,” now supports routes optimized for motorcycles, bicycles, and walking. The “Delivery Planning” feature caters to delivery personnel and logistics operators, enabling them to efficiently plan routes for deliveries using bikes, bicycles, or walking modes. This enhancement provides flexibility and customization options for users to optimize their delivery processes based on different modes of transportation. Stay updated on the benefits and functionalities of Navitime’s enhanced “Delivery Planning” feature as it facilitates route optimization for deliveries while accommodating various transportation methods.