Title: Mitaka Warehouse (Located in Ikuno-ku, Osaka), a provider of logistics consulting services, announced the completion of the urban logistics facility “MAKE A GOOD LOGI Amagasaki” in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture on February 28, unveiled on March 6. The facility is conveniently located near the Amagasaki Interchange on the Meishin Expressway.
On the 6th, Mitaka Warehouse, a provider of logistics consulting services based in Ikuno-ku, Osaka City, announced the completion of the urban logistics facility “MAKE A GOOD LOGI Amagasaki” in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture on February 28th. The facility is conveniently located near the Amagasaki Interchange on the Meishin Expressway, providing easy access for transportation and logistics operations.