Title: Japan GLP to Host Open House Event for “GLP Keno Itsukazawa” in Itsukamachi, Sashima District, Ibaraki Prefecture on March 26-27. The facility, located near the “Itsukazawa IC” on the Keno Expressway connecting to National Route 4, offers convenient access for Kanto wide-area distribution via both expressways and local roads.
Japan GLP will be hosting a two-day open house event for “GLP Ken’ou Itsukazan” located in Itsukamachi, Sarushima-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture on March 26th and 27th. The facility is situated in close proximity to the “Itsuka Interchange” on the Ken-O Expressway, which connects to National Route 4, allowing for efficient distribution operations covering the Kanto region via both expressways and local roads.