Title: CRE Announces Completion of Logistics Facility “LogiSquare Fukuoka Ogori” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture. On March 6, CRE announced that the logistics facility they were developing in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, named “LogiSquare Fukuoka Ogori,” was completed on February 29. The facility adopts a Built-to-Suit (BTS) model for developing facilities tailored to the specific needs of users.

On the 6th, CRE announced that the logistics facility “Logisquare Fukuoka Ogori” being developed in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, was completed on February 29th. Logisquare Fukuoka Ogori is a build-to-suit (BTS) type facility developed based on the specific needs of a particular user.