Title: Earth Cardboard Introduces Two New Rice Cardboard Box Products for the U.S. Market in Saitama Prefecture, Inamachi. On the 6th, Earth Cardboard, specialized in manufacturing and selling packaging materials, announced the release of two new products: the “Home Delivery Rice Box (5kg Plain Type)” and the “Home Delivery Rice Box (10kg Plain Type)” specifically designed for the U.S. market. The boxes are now available for retail…

On the 6th, Earth Cardboard, a company based in Ina Town, Saitama Prefecture, that manufactures and sells packaging materials, announced the launch of two new cardboard boxes for rice in the U.S. market. The new products are “Home Delivery Rice Box (5kg) Plain Type” and “Home Delivery Rice Box (10kg) Plain Type.” These products are now available for purchase.