Title: Yamato Transport Announces Small Parcel Handling Performance for February. On the 6th, Yamato Transport disclosed its small parcel handling performance for February this year. The delivery volume for “Ta-Q-Bin, Ta-Q-Bin Compact, EAZY” reached 135.11 million pieces, representing a 100.9% increase compared to the previous year. The cumulative total for the current fiscal year amounted to 1.73428 billion pieces, corresponding to 97.9% of the total…

On the 6th, Yamato Transport announced their small parcel handling performance for February of this year. The performance for “Takkyubin, Takkyubin Compact, EAZY” was 135.11 million pieces (100.9% compared to the previous year), with a total of 1.73428 billion pieces for the current fiscal year (97.9% compared to the previous year). Additionally, “NekoPos, Kuro…”