Title: Drone Development Company ACSL Signs Agreement with Kasai Police Station for Information Sharing During Major Disasters. On the 7th, ACSL (located in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo), specializing in drone development, announced that they have entered into an agreement on February 22 with the Kasai Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department (Kasai Police Station) regarding information provision during large-scale disasters. As per the agreement, in the event of a major disaster, ACSL will collaborate with…

On the 7th, ACSL (Advanced Communication Systems Laboratory) based in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, announced that they have signed an agreement with the Katsushika Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department on February 22nd regarding information provision during large-scale disasters. Under this agreement, in the event of a large-scale disaster, ACSL will provide information using drones to the Katsushika Police Station for disaster response purposes.