Title: All Japan Trucking Association (AJTA) Holds 204th Board Meeting in Tokyo. On the 7th, the All Japan Trucking Association (AJTA) convened its 204th board meeting at a hotel in Tokyo. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tetsuo Saito, expressed gratitude for the association’s support in aiding the disaster-stricken areas during the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and discussed governmental initiatives in response to the challenges posed by the “2024 Problem”…
On the 7th, the All Japan Trucking Association (Zenritsu) held its 204th board meeting at a hotel in Tokyo. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tetsuo Saito, expressed gratitude for the association and its members’ support in aiding the disaster-affected areas of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Additionally, discussions were held regarding government measures to address the challenges expected in 2024.